Ensures Equine Welfare Compliance
Helps ensure compliance with the latest equine welfare and anti-doping regulations so that your horse is able to compete.
Saves Time
Many farms still use paper diaries to record veterinary and other relevant information about their horses. This can be extremely time consuming, especially if horses are in the same routine. While using EMR our customers have said the software has helped them dramatically reduce the time spent on their horse’s paperwork.
Safety of Records
Paper records in a farm setting can easily become lost, damaged or made illegible. Having the information stored on the cloud ensures the horse medical records are stored safely and are secure.
Ability to Coordinate Records with Team Members
Medical records can be added by different team members, whether the trainer, owner, veterinarian, assistant or groom. Equine MediRecord enables the ability to have each of these team members tracked securely and transparently, ensuring all horse’s records are kept up to date.
Web Based System
The EMR software is built to allow you to add records through our web app on any phone, tablet or computer. It also means you have your horse’s records at your fingertips when you have access to the internet.