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Getting Started

How to sign up as a trainer?

To sign up as a trainer, simply click the “Trainer” icon on the Sign Up screen and fill in the following fields:

First Name: The first name of the Head Trainer

Last Name: The last name of the Head Trainer

Email: An active email address for the Head Trainer

Date of Birth: The Head Trainer’s Date of Birth

Yard Name: The name of the yard on which the trainer is resident, then provide the address of the yard. Note, this is only necessary on first sign up. Each subsequent time a trainer signs in to the system the data about the yard will automatically be complete.

Password: A password of your choice. We recommend a combination of at least 8 upper- and lowercase letters, numbers and symbols for security reasons

Confirm Password: Type the password again in order to confirm password selection.

How to sign up as an assistant?

To sign up as an assistant, simply click the “Assistant” icon on the Sign Up screen and fill in the following fields:

First Name: The first name of the Assistant

Last Name: The last name of the Assistant

Email: An active email address for the Assistant

Trainer Identification Code: This is the unique code a trainer will send when they invite you to use the Equine MediRecord platform via email. This code is used to verify that you have been invited to view or add records for the Head Trainer in question.

Password: A password of your choice. We recommend a combination of at least 8 upper- and lowercase letters, numbers and symbols for security reasons

Confirm Password: Type the password again in order to confirm password selection.

How to sign up as a vet?

First Name: The first name of the Vet

Last Name: The last name of the Vet

Email: An active email address for the Vet

Trainer Identification Code: This is the unique code a trainer will send when they invite you to use the Equine MediRecord platform via email. This code is used to verify that you have been invited to view or add records for the Head Trainer in question.

Password: A password of your choice. We recommend a combination of at least 8 upper- and lowercase letters, numbers and symbols for security reasons

Confirm Password: Type the password again in order to confirm password selection.

Adding Users

To invite a vet to use the system, simply navigate to the “Profile” tab and click “Invite Assistant / Vet”. Then fill in the email of the person you wish to invite on to the system and click “Send Invite”

The invitation will be sent to the email address provided containing a Trainer Identification Code. The invitee can then paste this code into the “Trainer Identification Code” field on the Sign Up page.

At this point, the Trainer will be notified of a request to join their Yard. The trainer can accept this request to grant the Assistant / Vet access to their records, or reject the request to deny the Vet / Assistant access by going back to the ‘Profile’ tab and clicking either the tick (accepting) or cross (rejecting) next to the name of the Assistant / Vet.

Using the System

How To Add A Horse

To add a horse, click on the “Horses” tab on the left side of the screen, then click “Add Horse”

Fill out the following fields:

Sex: Select whether the horse is a Gelding, Colt, Mare or Filly

Horse Name: The name of the horse as it appears on the passport. If the horse has not been named yet, put the name of the Dam and the year of birth.

Date of Birth: The registered birth date of the horse

Yard: The yard that the horse is being held at.

In the Food Chain/Out of the Food chain: Click the toggle to switch between whether or not the horse has been stamped out of the food chain.

In/Out of Training: Click the toggle to switch between whether or not the horse has been returned to training.

Microchip Number: Fill this field with the last 5 digits of the horse’s microchip number. If the microchip number contains both letters and numbers, simply input the last 5 numbers, leaving out any letters.
Photo of Passport: Click the box to select a photo of the front page of the passport. This is optional.

Description: This field can be used to capture any other information on the horse that is not covered by previous fields. Many trainers choose to put owner details here.

After these fields have been filled out, click “Add Horse” to add the horse to the Equine MediRecord.

How To Edit A Horse

Once a horse has been added to the system, it is easy to edit the horse details. Simply click on the “Horses” tab, select the horse in question, and click the “Edit” Button. Update whichever fields you wish, then click the “Edit Horse” button to save the changes you have made to the horse details.

How To Archive A Horse

In certain circumstances, such as when a horse is no longer under your care, and will not be returning, it may be advisable to archive a horse to avoid making mistaken changes to records. This should only be done if the horse will not be returning to the yard. Archiving horses ensures that you will not be billed for horses that are no longer present in your yard. To archive a horse, Click the “Horses” tab, select the horse in question, and click the “Move to Archive” Button.

How To Add A Treatment

To add a treatment for a horse, click the “Horses” tab, Select the horse in question, and click ”Add Treatment” Fill out the following fields:

Drug Name: The pharmaceutical or brand name for the drug. Equine MediRecord contains all medicines licensed for use in horses under the cascade system. Simply start typing the name of the drug into the text box and our instant search function will narrow down the list of suggestions. If you still can’t find the name of the medication you are looking for, simply click the ‘Other’ and type in the drug in the text field labelled ‘Other Drug’.

Route: select the route whether it is ‘Intra-venous’, ‘Intra-muscular’, ‘Oral’ or if you are administering the drug by another route select ‘Other’ then type in the other route you administered the drug in the text field labelled ‘Other Route’.

Daily Quantity: enter the quantity of drug that was administered to the horse.

Quantity Measure: select the quantity in which you gave the drug. The measures can be precise, for example ml, mg or/and g, or as vague as you want tube, tub or/and tablets.

Withdrawal (days): enter the withdrawal for the medication given in days.

Reason: enter the reason for the medication being given.

Start Date: select the date when the medication is first given to the horse

End Date: select the date when the medication was last given to the horse

Drag or Select Photo of Prescription (Optional): if a prescription is given for the medication a photo can be attached to the treatment.

How To Edit A Treatment

Once a treatment has been added to the system, it is easy to edit the treatment details. Simply click on the horse, select the treatment in question, and click the “Edit” Button.

Update whichever fields you wish, then click the “Save” button to save the changes you have made to the treatment.

How To Delete A Treatment

A treatment can be deleted by selecting the active treatment in question. Closed treatments can not be deleted or edited. Then select the ‘Edit’ button on a active treatment. Then scroll to the bottom of the treatment and select the ‘Delete’ button. Once the ‘Are you sure you want to delete treatment? This action cannot be undone’ screen is presented select the ‘Delete’ button to delete the treatment. Once this is action is completed it cannot be undone.

Approving Treatments

Trainers can approve treatments in two ways;

1. Select the treatment tab, this will present all the treatments that have been given to all the horses on the yard. Active treatments will be presented at the top of the treatments. Then simply select the treatment that is listed as ‘pending’ and if the information is correct select the tick (to approve the treatment) or the cross (to reject the treatment) under the ‘action’ column. Once the tick is selected then the treatment is approved.

2. Select the horse with the treatment. Then select the treatment that is listed as ‘pending’ and if the information is correct select the tick (to approve the treatment) or the cross (to reject the treatment) under the ‘action’ column. Once the tick is selected then the treatment is approved. What is the red cross next to a horses name? The red cross that is presented next to a horse is to remind trainers, assistants and vets that a treatment is currently active on the horse in question and should be checked before entering a horse into a race.

How To Close A Treatment (Red Cross)

Once the trainer is happy that treatment has been completed, they can close the treatment, removing the red cross reminder next to the Horse’s name.

To close a treatment, select the horse in question, then select the treatments tab.

Next to the active treatment in the action column select the closed symbol (circle with a diagonal line through the middle). This will close the treatment and will remove the red cross reminder.

How To Add A Vaccination

To add a vaccination select the horse in the horses tab. Then select the vaccination tab. Select “Add Vaccination“. Then fill out the relevant information fields:

1. Vaccination Name: select the type of vaccination whether it is Equine Influenza Equine Herpes or ‘Other’, if ‘Other’ is selected then write in the type of vaccination in the ‘Other Vaccination’ field.

2. Date of Administration: Select the date when the vaccination was administered.

3. Vaccination Number: select whether the vaccination is a ‘Primary’, ‘Secondary’ or a ‘Booster’ vaccination.

4. Date of Next Administration: If ‘Other’ or a ‘Booster’ is selected then choose when the next vaccination should be administered. By default, booster vaccinations will be set with a 364 day reminder in order to comply with current regulation.

How To Delete Vaccine

To delete a vaccination, select the vaccination tab. Next to the vaccination in question select the cross. Once presented ‘Are you sure you want to delete vaccination? This action cannot be undone’ select ‘delete’. This will delete the vaccination. This action cannot be undone. (currently official vaccinations records must kept in the horse’s passport)

How To Add A Note

To Add a note: Select the horse in question

Select the Notes tab

Select the button “Add Note”

Notes are divided into 5 Categories; Feed, Location, Training, Weight and Other

Feed notes are used to record any special dietary requirements or to document nutrition for the horse in question

Location notes pertain to recording the movements of the horse, for example, when it is sent to the Veterinary clinic, or returned to an owner. Recording Location notes provides proof of indemnity in the event of a gap in medical records.

Weight notes allow the user to track the weight of the horse in either Metric or Imperial formats. This data can be used to generate weight graphs for the horse in question.

Training notes allow the user to record any specific training regimen or information for the horse in question. Many of our users record what exercise was carried out here as a means of tracking performance.

The Other notes category functions as a catch-all for anything else the user might wish to record. Pictures of X-Rays or Injuries, or other supporting documentation may be recorded here.

How To Edit A Note

Once a note has been added to the system, it is easy to edit the treatment details. Simply click on the horse, select the treatment in question, and click the “Edit” Button. Update whichever fields you wish, then click the “Save” button to save the changes you have made to the note.

How To Create A Report

Reports are divided into 3 categories: Regulatory, Administrative and Weight

Regulatory reports automatically generate a medicines register for all of the horses in the yard. This is the report that regulators will request in the event of an inspection.

Administrative reports allow the user to create any number of different types of report. Users can generate a report for one, many or all horses, which can contain any combination of Medicines, Vaccinations and/or Notes.

Weight reports allow the user to generate a graph which plots the horses’ weight over a selected time frame.

To generate a report:

1. Select the horses you wish this report to apply to. Users may pick one, many or all horses in the yard.

2. Select the categories you wish the report to include. Reports can contain any combination of Treatments, Vaccinations and Notes. Users can add further filtering by selecting which types of Treatment, Vaccination and Note to add to the report.

3. Select the Date range you wish the report to be generated for. Users can select any of the following: Today, This Week, This Month, This Year and Custom. Custom allows the user to define their own range for the report.


How do I change my password?

Select ‘Forgot Password’. Then under the Reset password screen, where is says ‘email address’ put in the email for the profile. Then select ‘request reset link’. This will sent an email to the email provided. If the email is not in the inbox please check the ‘junk mail’ section of the email. Within the email there is a link, select this link. This will take you to another screen which will present the following questions that will need to be filled out;

1. Email: Put in the email that is related to the profile

2. New password: Enter the new password you wish to have for the profile

3. Password confirmation: Enter the new password that was entered in the ‘new password’ section.
Then select the reset password button. This will then reset your password.

What happens if I have lost my password?

Select ‘Forgot Password’. Then under the Reset password screen, where is says ‘email address’ put in the email for the profile. Then select ‘request reset link’. This will sent an email to the email provided. If the email is not in the inbox please check the ‘junk mail’ section of the email. Within the email there is a link, select this link. This will take you to another screen which will present the following questions that will need to be filled out;

1. Email: Put in the email that is related to the profile

2. New password: Enter the new password you wish to have for the profile

3. Password confirmation: Enter the new password that was entered in the ‘new password’ section.
Then select the reset password button. This will then reset your password.


Is this system approved by my equine regulator?

The Irish Horseracing Regulatory Board, British Horseracing Authority, Arabian Racing Organisation (UK), Irish Veterinary and Welfare Commission, Le Trot, France Galop, British Harness Racing Club, Breeders Cup World Championships, Kentucky Horse Racing Commission and Californian Horse Racing Board have confirmed that they will accept a medicines register recorded via Equine MediRecord but may require print outs of the records when inspections are conducted.